A student project created in an introduction to IxD course. Wearable Story is a way to eliminate the uncertainty of "when I donate my clothes, where does it end up?" Does it get burned, sent to refugees, immigrants, 3rd world countries or does it end up in the local second hand store? To donate your clothes via Wearable Story, you attach a wooden tag (with a unique code) to the item you'd like to donate, in the app you then put in the code and write the story of the clothing item. Maybe you bought it in Brazil, wore it when you got engaged or when you were touring Europe with your rock band? Share it with a click. Now all you have to do is drop it in a donation container with the Wearable Story Sticker attached to it. Then you just wait. The items is transported to a second hand store and when somebody then buys the item - the previous owner gets a notification. The buyer can read the story and when the time comes they can add their own story. Keep the stories alive!